Armatherm Thermal breaks

About Armatherm

Safe, Durable, Energy Efficient ARMATHERM Thermal Bridging Solutions

Armatherm™ can help minimize energy loss and significantly improve envelope performance with our family of thermal break products. Our engineers have taken the guesswork out of specifying thermal breaks in the most critical conditions.

12,509 Projects installed
2007 Established
40 + Countries supplied to

Armatherm products

High/medium compressive strength connections

Armatherm™ 500

Armatherm 500 is a high density, polyurethane material manufactured in several densities to support a wide range of building loads.

Ultra high compressive strength connections

Armatherm™ FRR

Armatherm FRR is an extremely strong and durable thermal break material suitable for supporting heavy loads while cutting conductive heat loss.

Approved to NFPA 285 standards

ArmaGirt™️ Z-Girt

ArmaGirt™️ Z Girt is a nonconductive cladding support system, strong enough to hold most cladding and insulation details.

Parapet Roof Penetration

The roof is part of the building envelope where penetrations such as davits, anchors...

Masonry shelf angle

Masonry veneer walls require tie-backs and shelf angles which form significant thermal bridges and...

Foundation Wall

Foundations are part of a buildings’ thermal envelope. The intersection at a slab on...

Column base

Steel columns traditionally extend through the building envelope (floor slab) and insulation at their...


Armatherm cladding attachments significantly improve wall assembly thermal performance. Armatherm FRR Z Girt, clip...

Balcony Canopy

The most common interface details for structural framing are canopies and balconies that use...
