Armatherm™ Thermal Break Washers & Screws

Installing thermal breaks is essential to ensure maximum efficiency, but another element to consider is the fixings used to attach these. Even if a connection is totally thermally isolated thanks to a Z Girt for example, the attachments can result in a less efficient connection, allowing a path to develop via the screws. Incorporating Armatherm™ washer creates thermal break screws, meaning the connection is as thermally isolated as possible, with no opportunity for bridges to occur. A thermal break should be provided at the front side of the bolt head between the steel washer and face of the exterior steel, reducing any potential energy loss.

The Armatherm™ thermal break washers and bushings can be used on the warm face of the structure, and including a thermal break at the bolt connection will reduce heat loss an additional 4% per bolt, depending on the wall assembly connection. Without these thermal break solutions, condensation can occur on the bolt heads which can develop into damp and mold issues. To prevent this, a polyurethane nut / bolt cap can be supplied and added to effectively isolate the cold surface from the warm internal environment of the inside of the building. Polyurethane is an insulative material, thanks to its chemical composition energy cannot flow through it, making it ideal for thermal isolation. It can place a direct block between the warmer internal temperatures and the colder external temperatures traveling via conductive penetrations to the building envelope, such as steel bolts and fixings.

Improve Efficiency by up to 70%

FRR body image demonstrating thermal break solutions

As America works towards reducing carbon emissions by 2030, it’s imperative to identify where improvements can be made and use materials that will last the lifetime of the building. Armatherm™ is continuously improving, and is always developing new products to meet the needs of energy efficient buildings. Specifying thermal breaks can improve the efficiency of a building by as much as 70%, resulting in a more efficient project with lower operating costs and prevention against cold spots where condensation and mold can occur.

Our dedicated team is on hand to help with any queries or reservations you may have regarding thermal breaks. We can help you at the very initial stages of your project to specify the best products for the job, that will assist a construction in meeting essential energy saving regulations. We are dedicated to providing the industry with effective solutions to protect the future of construction.


BRE logo with green and white design signifying certification standards
Raina logo featuring bold typography in a professional design
AISC logo in a square format with bold lettering
USGBC membership logo with green building certification design elements
Irish Steel logo in full colour with a transparent background
GCCA Proud Member 2023 badge with a modern design
NIBS Accreditation badge

What our clients
think about us

“I can always trust that ARMATHERM will deliver a reliable product on time. Their deep knowledge of the industry allows them to aid in project planning and design. ARMATHERM goes out of their way to help their customers get the service they need.”

Andrew Sarlo, Cives Steel Co.

“The team is always very helpful and persistent in delivering the best service possible for the customer and the project. At one point to went the extent of renting a U-Haul to get the product down to Raleigh when the carrier dropped the ball half way down from Mass. Excited for more opportunities ahead!”

James Clark, White Cap

“Dirigo Drywall can count on Armatherm to deliver quality thermal break products for our building projects that increase the building’s energy efficiency and help us meet energy compliance goals.”

Nathan P. Croteau, LEED-AP

“Armatherm was very accommodating with their customer service team in the release and delivery of materials to meet the schedule of the project. They also provided the necessary engineering information for us to ensure the product performed as required. Overall it was a smooth experience from Design to P.O. to Installation.”

Andrew Boesch, Eastern Exterior Wall Systems

“ARMATHERM has a commitment to producing quality products and excellent customer service that is second to none in their industry.  They are extremely easy to work with and hold true to their quoted lead times. The Steel Supply Company can count on ARMATHERM to deliver quality thermal break products for our building projects that increase the building’s energy efficiency and help us meet energy compliance goals.”

Frankie, The Steel Supply Company

“The quote came quick, short lead time/fast delivery, no troubles with installation, great technical support & most important – competitive pricing! We are also happy to support a local Massachusetts business!”

Pierre Gagnon, New England Finish Systems

“Armatherm products have been useful in addressing thermal bridging challenges in our projects. Armatherm products insulate many of the difficult structural thermal bridging details GPC Green Builders often encounter. The quoting is quick, the products are shipped on time, and the customer service is great.”

Ben Bogie, BPC Green Builders

“We are very happy with your service and dedication to your customers. I have found through the years your lead times are always in line with our requirements. I have talked to the shop and field and they have no issues with your product or installation. Keep up the good work.”

Paul Rosenthal,Novel Iron Works

“We utilized Armatherm’s thermal breaks to interrupt thermal bridges in several locations. From shelf angles, to dunnage, to door thresholds, Armatherm products offered the right balance of thermal performance and strength, and were simple to coordinate with our exterior wall details.”

Louis Koehl AIA CPHD, Handel Architects

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    A technical diagram showcasing the installation of a thermal break connection.

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